Apple Cider Vinegar for Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance that is found in the cells of our body. It is produced by the body but it is also found in many of our food sources. Cholesterol in itself is not at all bad, in fact, it is required by the body. Without cholesterol, our body can’t produce steroidal hormones, including testosterone and progesterone. Cholesterol is also essential to synthesize the vitamin D in the body as well as bile acids, which aid in digestion. But excess of cholesterol in the body becomes more harmful as it clogs arteries and restricts blood flow.
The combination of a high level of triglycerides with low HDL cholesterol or high LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. LDL, the bad cholesterol, when oxidized, deposits plaque in arteries, causing heart diseases.
ACV reduces both LDLs and triglycerides, another harmful substance and it also increases the good HDLs and antioxidant enzymes. ACV flavonoids check LDL oxidation and scavenge free radicals to prevent cell damage and oxidative stress, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis further.
What is ACV and How Can It Control Bad Cholesterol?
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made by fermenting apple juice and its pulp into alcoholic cider, which is then fermented again to form vinegar or acetic acid. Touted as a superfood, ACV has been said to cure multiple ailments, from acid reflux to urinary tract infections, and aid in weight loss.
Reduces Bad-Cholesterol and Increases Good-Cholesterol Levels
Various studies show that consuming Apple Cider Vinegar can help to reduce cholesterol levels. Study conducted on the normal and diabetic person, ACV reduced LDLs and increased HDLs in the normal person, which shows that its efficacy as a cholesterol-normalizing agent. In a diabetic person, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) reduced the level of triglycerides and increased the level of HDLs (good cholesterol). The study concludes that ACV can help to manage the diabetic complications.
If the ratio of good to bad cholesterols in the body is low, plaque can build up in the arteries which lead to thickening of arterial walls, clogging and blockage (atherosclerosis). Apple cider vinegar reduces the atherosclerosis processes.
Since vinegar is the chief content of ACV, so it is effective in bringing down risks of atherosclerosis. Moreover, another study also finds that apple juice is effective in preventing the progress of atherosclerosis.
ACV Fights with Oxidative Stress
A major factor in both onset and progression of atherosclerosis is oxidative stress which is caused by free radical damage. Oxidative stress is a condition that arises when body is unable to fight with free radical damage. According to a study apple cider vinegar has the ability to remove free radicals and prevent from oxidative stress, inhibit lipid peroxidation and increase the level of antioxidant enzymes and vitamin.
ACV Reduces LDL Oxidation
The other cause is the oxidation of LDL. It is seek that ACV gets its anti-oxidative properties from its own constituent flavonoids. Research suggests that consuming these polyphenolic natural antioxidants may inhibit the oxidation of LDLs.
How to Have ACV?
Drinking concentrated Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) could be quite disconcerting experience. Apart from the pungent taste, it could also be very harmful for the teeth due to its acidic nature. You can mix 1 or 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in water or use it as a salad dressing for your daily dose of this super food to keep your cholesterol in control.
You can also take Herbal Daily 5 for controlling cholesterol. It is a natural remedy for reducing cholesterol levels. It slows the oxidation of cholesterol, Increases HDL cholesterol, thins the blood, increases stamina, prevents blood vessels from blockage, and slows the hardening of arteries. It is a natural anti-oxidant that burns the cholesterol in the body and improves blood circulation.
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