Honey Fight Heart Disease
Honey is a household staple that can be used for just about anything. Honey has a long list of health benefits and has been used by ancient civilizations as a remedy to treat everything from wounds to diseases.
Honey has long been known to improve the well-being of hair and skin. Lately, researchers have found that regular consumption of honey may even benefit your cardiovascular health by cutting your risk of a heart attack. The findings suggest that the antioxidants found in honey make it a great sweet treat to help your heart.
The researchers found that honey led to mild reductions in body weight and body fat and a greater reduction in cholesterol. The study concluded that consuming natural honey can help reduce the cardiovascular risk factors, which may contribute to heart attack.
In a study it was also found that honey decreases venous blood pressure, which is the blood pressure from the right ventricle. When venous blood pressure reduces, it lowers the congestion in the venous system.
To maximize the benefits of honey for cardiovascular health, opt for the raw or natural kind, and not the processed variety. If possible, buy from local bee farmers to get the honey that is freshly removed from the hive.
Honey is very simple to consume as well. If you want to begin ingesting 70 grams daily, it can easily be incorporated into warm water or tea, or spread over a toast. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon for extra health benefits.
If you or your relative or ay of your close one have any problem related to heart or cholesterol then he must take a mixture of ginger, garlic, lemon, honey and apple cider vinegar to treat it. It is a traditional tonic which is given by Mohammad Paigambar to his followers. It is his secreat formula which is still used by Arab countriers but it is not know and famous in India.
According to Times of India report, about 60% of death in India happens due to Heart Attack. With this natural tonic 90% of blockage can be reduce in 6 months. People who have already gone through Angioplasty, there will be very less chances to get back the blockage again. In India the total expenses of Angioplasty is about 2 to 5 lakhs. After the operation the body becomes weak and the medicines gives bad effect of liver and kidney. If you have a problem of high cholesterol level then you should take this tonic for atleast 3 to 4 months in a year.
This natural traditional tonic detoxifies the body, reduces the pain, maintains the blood pressure level and reduces the weight. It you face difficulty in extracting the ginger garlic juice then you can buy this tonic from Herbal Daily site www.herbaldaily.in. Call on 0294 – 2980185 for consulting with Doctor regarding health related issues.
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