Collection: WEIGHT GAIN - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments with Herbal | Ayurvedic | Supplements

Weight gain ayurvedic herbal supplement


  • Under weight symptoms:
  • Malnutrition & Underweight
  • Frequent and Inexplicable fatigue
  • General malaise & Decline in stamina
  • Lowered resistance
  • Low muscle strength

Weight Gain - Overview

Anyone who is 15 to 20% below the normal weight for age and height is classified under underweight. Being underweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. Some people are naturally very skinny but are still healthy. Being underweight according to this scale does not mean that you have a health problem. Being underweight is about 2-3 times common among girls and women.


Causes of Under Weight and Treatment

Underweight can be caused by various factors, some of which are psychological, while others are physical. Physical causes include illnesses, bad dose of flu, hyperthyroidism, cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, HIV/Aids. Psychological causes include anorexia, depression, tiredness, overpowering urge to sleep all day, inability to do simple daily tasks, feel like 'life is not worth living' and ideas of suicide. Other causes includes are medication, excessive exercise, excessive stress, enzyme deficiencies and other medical conditions like gluten allergy, or cystic fibrosis are associated with the inability to gain weight.

Natural Treatment for Weight Gain

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