Collection: MIGRANE AND HEADACHE - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments with Herbal | Ayurvedic | Supplements
- Headache at one side of head (typically at front or side or sometimes on both sides)
- Temporary loss of part of vision
- Objects may seem to rotate
- Flashes of light shake or boil
- Numbness & problems with speech
- Nausea and vomiting
- Irritability & Depression
- Excessive sleepiness & Altered mood
- Craving for certain food items
- Increased urination & Stiff muscles (neck)
Migraine and Headache - Overview
Migraine (Headache) is a common neurological syndrome (severe, painful headache) that is often accompanied by sensory warning signs such as flashes of light, increased sensitivity to light and sound blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, vomiting and nausea. Migraine attack usually begins in the forehead, the side of the head or around the eyes and gradually gets worse. Migraine pain can last for hours or even days. It is more prevalent than epilepsy, asthma, and diabetes combined
विशेषज्ञों द्वारा मुफ्त परामर्श के लिए हमें व्हाट्सएप करें +91-7340013153
माइग्रेन (सिरदर्द) एक सामान्य न्यूरोलॉजिकल सिंड्रोम (गंभीर, दर्दनाक सिरदर्द) है जो अक्सर संवेदी चेतावनी के संकेत के साथ होता है जैसे कि प्रकाश की चमक, प्रकाश और ध्वनि के धब्बों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता में वृद्धि, हाथों और पैरों में झुनझुनी, उल्टी और मतली। माइग्रेन का दौरा आमतौर पर माथे, सिर के किनारे या आंखों के आसपास और धीरे-धीरे खराब होने लगता है। माइग्रेन का दर्द घंटों या दिनों तक रह सकता है। यह मिर्गी, अस्थमा, और मधुमेह संयुक्त की तुलना में अधिक प्रचलित है
विशेषज्ञों द्वारा मुफ्त परामर्श के लिए हमें व्हाट्सएप करें +91-7340013153
Migraine (Headache) Causes and Treatment
Some people who suffer from migraines can clearly identify triggers or headaches or migraine causes. Potential migraine triggers include alcohol, a certain type of food items, Allergies, and allergic reactions, Bright lights, loud noises and certain odors or perfumes, Physical or emotional stress, changes in sleep patterns or irregular sleep, missing meal, Menstrual cycle fluctuations, Birth control pills and Hormone fluctuations during menopause onset.
विशेषज्ञों द्वारा मुफ्त परामर्श के लिए हमें व्हाट्सएप करें +91-7340013153
कुछ लोग जो माइग्रेन से पीड़ित हैं वे स्पष्ट रूप से ट्रिगर या सिरदर्द या माइग्रेन के कारणों की पहचान कर सकते हैं। संभावित माइग्रेन ट्रिगर्स में अल्कोहल, एक निश्चित प्रकार के खाद्य पदार्थ, एलर्जी और एलर्जी की प्रतिक्रिया, तेज रोशनी, तेज आवाज और कुछ गंध या इत्र, शारीरिक या भावनात्मक तनाव, नींद के पैटर्न में बदलाव या नींद का अनियमित होना, गायब भोजन, मासिक धर्म चक्र में उतार-चढ़ाव शामिल हैं। रजोनिवृत्ति की शुरुआत के दौरान गर्भनिरोधक गोलियां और हार्मोन के उतार-चढ़ाव।
Natural Treatment for Migraine
Goodbeets Heart Chews - Nitric Oxide Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper | Supports Healthy Blood Pressure | 60 Count, 1 Pack
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Herbal Daily Brahmi | Supports Nervous System And Neurological Function Boosts Nervous System 1 Bottle
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Body Balance Veg Capsule – Herbal Solution for Skin, Digestion & Wellness
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Anemia Support Goodbeets Heart Chews - Nitric Oxide Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper | Supports Healthy Blood Pressure | 60 Count, 1 Pack
Vendor:Herbal DailyRegular price Rs. 1,600.00Regular priceUnit price / perRs. 2,100.00Sale price Rs. 1,600.00Sale -
Herbal Daily Goodbeets Chews for Period Pain & PCOS Support | Women’s Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper, 300g | Promotes Better Cycles & Hormonal Balance
Vendor:Herbal Daily4.5 / 5.0
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Blood Pressure Support Goodbeets Heart Chews - Nitric Oxide Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper | Supports Healthy Blood pressure | 60 Count, 1 Pack
Vendor:Herbal DailyRegular price Rs. 1,600.00Regular priceUnit price / perRs. 2,100.00Sale price Rs. 1,600.00Sale -
Prostate Care Support - Goodbeets Chews with Grape Seed Extract, Beetroot Powder & White Pepper | Promotes Prostate Health & Supports Healthy Blood Pressure | 60 Chews, 1 Pack
Vendor:Herbal DailyRegular price Rs. 1,600.00Regular priceUnit price / perRs. 2,100.00Sale price Rs. 1,600.00Sale -
Heart Guard Essentials – Natural Supplements for a Healthy Heart | Goodbeets Heart Chews - Nitric Oxide Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper | Supports Healthy Blood Pressure | 60 Count, 1 Pack
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Weight Managment Supplement - Goodbeets Heart Chews | Nitric Oxide Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper | Supports Healthy Blood Pressure | 60 Count, 1 Pack
Vendor:Herbal DailyRegular price Rs. 1,600.00Regular priceUnit price / perRs. 2,100.00Sale price Rs. 1,600.00Sale -
Itching Relief Goodbeets Heart Chews - Nitric Oxide Supplement with Grape Seed, Beet Powder & White Pepper | Supports Healthy Blood Pressure | 60 Chews, 1 Pack
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Vedic Ghee | Clarified Butter: Ayurvedic Treatment with Gir Cow and Desi Ghee
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Healthy Brain Supplements | Ayurvedic | Herbal | Treatment
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Brain Stroke Supplements | Ayurvedic | Herbal | Treatment
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Hydrocephalus Supplements | Ayurvedic | Herbal | Treatment
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Meningitis Supplements | Ayurvedic | Herbal | Treatment
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Brain Tumor Supplements | Ayurvedic | Herbal | Treatment
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