Collection: JAUNDICE - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments with Herbal | Ayurvedic | Supplements

Jaundice Causes and Treatment


  • Jaundice Symptoms:
  • Drowsiness & Weakness
  • Fatigue & Yellowish discoloration of skin
  • White part of eye and nail
  • Flatulence & Loss of appetite
  • Burning sensation in body
  • Low-grade fever & indigestion
  • Excessive thirst and loss of libido

Jaundice - Overview

What is Jaundice?, and How it Occurs?

Jaundice is a condition in which the skin and the whites of the eyes turn to yellow color. It may occur at any age including infants, adults. Modern medicine does not consider it as a disease but a symptom of liver disorders such as liver infection, gallstones, and cirrhosis of the liver. It occurs due to the results of an increase in bile pigments and bilirubin in the blood.


Jaundice Causes and Treatment

Increased intake of oily, spicy, sour, salty, alkaline, penetrating and very hot foods; alcohol; sleeping in the daytime, excessive physical work, suppressing natural urges of the body, overindulgence in sexual activity and psychological factors like lust, fear, anger, and stress can cause Jaundice. Inflammation of the liver, excessive circulation of bile pigments in the blood, impairment of liver function, excessive destruction of red blood cells, viral infection and some other disease condition like tuberculosis malaria also causes Jaundice. 

Natural Treatment for Jaundice

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