Sexual weakness, Low sperm count, erectile dysfunction: Gokhru capsule contains a component (saponin) which stimulates secretion of Testosterone and promotes spermatogenesis. It helps to reduce the sexual weakness in men, including treating issues like erectile dysfunction and low sperm count. It is also known to promote ovulation.
Kidney problem, Kidney stone, and recurrent stone formation: Gokhru for the kidney is really an effective medicine. It cures Calculus which is also known as the stone formation in organs.
Gout: Inflammation of the Gout and swelling in joints can be relieved using Gokhru. It gives relief in the pain too.
Urine blockage, painful urination: Urinary problems like blood in urine, frequent urination, urinary infections, painful urination and urine blockage can be easily resolved by using Gokhru.
Blood Pressure: The hypotensive properties of Gokhru Capsule help in controlling high blood pressure.
Weakness, muscle building: It helps in resolving weakness by improving the total immune system, and further helps in muscle building and increase in body strength.
Gokhru for Nerves: It is useful in treating headaches, hives, itchy skin and eye inflammations. It contains harmala alkaloid that has MAO inhibitor activity, which can be utilized for psychological and nervous imbalances to enhance the balance of serotonin in the brain.
Gokhru for Skin: Gokhru is very useful for stopping itching in the skin caused by the obstruction of the muscle, blood or plasma. It is a very good herb for lesions on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet.