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Stevia Beneficial in diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, Cancer, weight loss, gingivitis, acne

Stevia Beneficial in diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, Cancer, weight loss, gingivitis, acne

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हर्बल डेली स्टेविया (प्राकृतिक मीठा) मधुमेह, रक्तचाप, कोलेस्ट्रोल, कैंसर, वजन घटाने, मसूड़ों की सूजन, मुँहासे,

पाचन समस्याएँ, कट्स, घाव, मुंह के छाले, हार्टबर्न, ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस, एक्जिमा, चरमरोग, एलर्जी और सूजन में फायदेमंद है


Herbal Daily Stevia (Natural Sweetener) is Beneficial in diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, Cancer, weight loss, gingivitis, acne,

Digestive problems, cuts, wounds, mouth sores, heartburn, Osteoporosis, eczema, dermatitis, Allergies and inflammation.



Diabetes: Stevia does not have calories or carbohydrates. It also has no effect on blood glucose or insulin response. This allows people with diabetes to eat a wider variety of foods and comply with a healthful meal plan.

Weight control: Stevia can replace sugar in a diet to manage weight. It contains no sugar and very few calories. It can be a part of a well-balanced diet to help to reduce energy intake without sacrificing taste.

Lowers Blood pressure: Glycosides component present in stevia extract dilates the blood vessels. It has cardiotonic actions that normalize the blood pressure and regulate the heartbeat. It can also increase the sodium excretion and urine output.

Pancreatic cancer: Stevia contains many antioxidant compounds and sterols (kaempferol), it reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Consumption of stevia leads to a significant reduction in bad cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL levels. It increases the level of HDL, which is healthy cholesterol and is essential for good lipid profile.

Oral Health: It reduces the bacterial formation in the mouth, which makes it an additive for toothpaste & mouthwashes. It also prevents cavities and gingivitis.

Skin Care: Stevia is effective for skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis. Topical application inhibits the spread of bacteria and acts as a steroid in these situations, making it a popular option for many people who can’t get relief from these conditions.

Prevents Osteoporosis: Stevia, unlike sugar, increases the calcium metabolism and increases the bone mineral density and treats osteoporosis

Other Benefits: Stevia is also known to possess anti-hyperglycemic, anti-diarrheal, antihypertensive, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulatory actions.

Product Details

Ingredients: Stevia Leaves

Dosage: Add 3 teaspoon of stevia in 200 ml of boiled water. Cool it for 8 hours, strain it and store it in the fridge. Use 2-3 spoons of liquid in tea, coffee or any sweet dish.

Note: 1 teaspoon of Dry leaves is equal to the sweetness of 10 teaspoons of sugar.

Expiry Date: 2 years from the date of manufacturing.


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